Early Detection is Crucial

Of the 154,000+ Americans estimated to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year, only about 40% will be diagnosed in the earliest stage, where survival rates are 90%. The Blessing Cancer Center gives out free take home screening kits to help raise awareness.

Julie's Story: Colorectal cancer can affect anyone. Click here to read more about a woman who eats healthy, exercises regularly and had not family history of colorectal cancer, only to find herself diagnosed with the disease.

Throughout March, you can get your kit one of these ways:

Pick up a kit at one of the locations listed below throughout the month of March. You can also schedule a time to pick up a kit at the Blessing Cancer Center. Please contact Stephanie Willey, RN, Community Outreach Educator by emailing stephanie.willey@blessinghealth.org or call 217.223.8400 ext. 7718:

Request a kit be mailed to you by completing our online consent form. Click here to access the form.

Contact Us

For more information contact our Community Outreach Educator at (217) 223-8400, ext. 7718.