Man ignores embarrassment and worry, faces cancer and is winning

Alan Hurd has his sights set on becoming a competitive archer. Rectal cancer has caused him to put down his bow, but Alan kept his target in sight. “No matter what, I was going to stay positive,” said the 40-year-old father of three from Bowling Green, MO, about the day in 2021 when he received his diagnosis. “Thinking negative can make you sicker.”

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Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day: Brady's Story

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, we share the story of Brady Neisen of Fowler, Illinois and his family. The date for World Down Syndrome Day being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

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Warm baths get mom of two through her pain

Medical science does so much, but it can’t do everything. Ask Diana Sullivan. She is fighting her cervical cancer with the all the tools you’d expect – radiation, chemotherapy and pain medication – with the help of her care team at the James E. Cary Cancer Center in Hannibal, MO.

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Meet a lady who turns up the heat

According to, as we age our bodies become sensitive to cold temperature. Among the reasons for that is a decrease in the metabolic rate that leaves aging bodies unable to generate enough heat to help maintain the normal temperature of 98.6 degree.

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SNU CNA earns Honey Bee award

Peggy Tarr, CNA, Skilled Nursing Unit, received Blessing Hospital’s 40th Honey Bee award during a presentation on February 23, 2022.The Blessing Hospital Honey Bee award recognizes the service provided by support staff.

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