Sophia Bichsel, RN, Blessed Beginnings, became the 95th Blessing Hospital nurse to receive the international DAISY award for her extraordinary nursing care during a ceremony on April 24, 2024.

Sophia was nominated by a woman to whom she provided care. The patient developed a complication after giving birth to her first baby.

The nomination read, in part:
“Shortly after delivery, I noticed that I felt very lightheaded to the point I was going to pass out. I really thought I was just tired from laboring, but Sophia came in at just the right time and realized that I was showing signs of postpartum hemorrhage. She quickly got extra hands in the room to handle the situation. Everything happened so quickly that it all seems vague now. Alarms were beeping, and doctors rushed in; it was a very scary time, but one thing I remember so clearly was Sophia staying by my side and telling me that I was going to be okay. It was such a simple phrase, yet exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. Thank you, Sophia!”

DAISY stands for “Diseases Attacking the Immune System.” The family of a 33-year-old man, who died of an immune system disorder, began the program in 1999 to honor his memory by recognizing extraordinary nurses everywhere who make a difference in the lives of people by the work they do every day. More than 5,400 healthcare providers and nursing education programs worldwide participate in the DAISY Award program.

DAISY award nomination forms are located on all nursing units throughout Blessing Hospital and online at