The COVID-19 related patient surge that Blessing Health System leaders and staff have planned for since March has hit. Space at Blessing Hospital, and at hospitals throughout the region and across the country - is running very short with no end to the demand in sight. 

Recently our medical-surgical bed capacity – as reported on the Adams County COVID-19 tracking system – has ranged from one-to-three percent.  None of us can remember a bed capacity so low. 

Of course, bed availability is an ever-changing situation.  It is based on the number of discharges on any given day versus the number of admissions that day and can change for the better or worse throughout the day.  However, with the COVID-19 positive cases in the triple digits almost every day the past week, the bottom line for us and the patients that we serve is that beds are in short supply every day now.

Because we recently established an ICU Annex in the hospital with capacity for 12 patients, our ICU bed capacity has fared a bit better, at about 25 percent capacity available.

With all other hospitals around us experiencing the same surge situation, plans to transfer patients needing less intensive care from Blessing to other community hospitals in the region is not workable at this time.

Dealing with surge is on us and we are doing all we can to meet the needs of every patient. In addition to expanded ICU beds we also expanded medical surgical beds.

We recognize this is a very difficult situation for patients, their loved ones and for you. We are doing all we can from a planning standpoint, including working with Medical Staff to prioritize discharging post-operative patients as soon as possible,  and to consider postponing elective procedures for patients needing admission to critical care, and for those needing nursing home placement, and for patients who would need an extended length of stay.

Our staff is working very hard, as they have since late March, to help patients through this, and to help them understand the why behind the situation. 

Thank you for your support and understanding during this time.  We are confident the region will come through the pandemic and enjoy better days ahead.