About Me

Born and raised in the Hancock County, Illinois, community of Hamilton, Carly Williams has a lifelong passion for helping people with communication disorders.


“As an audiologist, I get to evaluate patients of all ages for hearing loss and discuss a variety of options to help improve their communication.”


“Often, people think audiologists just want to sell hearing aids. However, we discuss many options for communication, not just hearing aids, so the patient can choose what will help them the most based on their hearing loss as well as their daily communication environments.”


“I have had patients surprised that I didn’t suggest the most expensive hearing aids or to buy new hearing aids instead of repairing their current devices. I recommend what will be best for the patient considering any physical, cognitive, technological and financial limitations they may have.”


Dr. Williams’ husband is also from Hamilton. They started dating in high school, went to college in northern Illinois and returned to Hamilton after their daughter was born so she could grow up near her grandparents.

Education & Training

American Academy of Audiology
Medical Education
Northwestern University - Evanston, Illinois
Bachelor's Degree
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, Illinois


Audiology - Quincy
927 Broadway,
Blessing Health Center East Suite 322,
Quincy, IL 62301
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