About Me

Motivated by her mother’s actions, Terry Thomas always knew what she would do with her life.


“My mother is a natural caregiver. If we were sick, she knew how to do everything, and she cared for my dad for many years.”


“I felt I was led to care for people. I always felt it was my special calling and my special gift to work with patients.”


Receiving care from Terry, patients find a person interested in what they have to say.


“Building relationships makes for better healthcare because trust develops and outcomes improve.”


That trust is apparent in one of Terry’s memories from her nursing career. A man whom she had cared for before he entered hospice asked for her to visit him on what turned out to be the day before he passed away.


“The fact he would ask for me, it was very meaningful.”


When not providing patient care, Terry loves to cook – German cuisine is her specialty. This award winning nurse practitioner is also active on the national and state level in expanding the role of the nurse practitioner to improve access to care, particularly in rural areas.

Special interests

  • Women’s health
  • Dermatology issues
  • Infectious diseases
  • Teaching and precepting
  • Healthcare policy

Education & Training

University of Nebraska Medical Center
MA Psychology/Counseling
University of Northern Colorado
University of Colorado Medical Center
Board Certification
American Nurses Credentialing Center