Blessing Health received the “Quincy’s Prestigious Landscape Award” from the Quincy Tree Commission for extensive landscaping work done to the northwest corner of 12th and Broadway.

“Thousands of people drive through that intersection every single day,” said Quincy Mayor Mike Troup at the presentation on Tuesday, October 4.  “Many of them are passing through the city for the first time or for the first time in a long time. We must provide an inviting and welcoming atmosphere as we work to grow our population and the work that Blessing has done has greatly improved our vital Broadway corridor.”

“Our hope is Blessing’s design of the northwest corner of the intersection gives people the feeling of open space and beauty - a chance to take a deep breath and relax for a moment during their busy day,” said Maureen Kahn, MSN, MHA, RN, president/chief executive officer, Blessing Health

Maureen added Blessing staff who enjoy taking a healthy walk on their breaks also benefit from the green space.

“We are grateful as a commission to identify and reward businesses in the community that realize the value of public beautification, landscaping, and duplicating the natural environment in an urban setting,” said Sarah Michaels Fernandez, Chair, Quincy Tree Commission. “Today, we thank Blessing Health System for its contribution to that vision and cause.”