Hospice staff Keaton Dierker, RN; Kai Clay, CNA; April Grattan, RN; Trista Neisen, Clinical Social Worker; Jerry Edison, Chaplain; and Nancy Dolan, Hospice Volunteer; received a Who’s Your Angel nomination from a patient’s mother, Catherine Lorenson. The Foundation Office presented the Who’s Your Angel awards on October 15. 

Catherine stated, “All of the staff and volunteers from the first day have been amazing. During my daughter’s time on hospice, the hospice team showed compassion and they had patience - their knowledge, their love and their teaching. They were there any time I called whether it was just needing someone to talk to or trying to calm a situation down; they walked me through it. I am very blessed to have such an amazing and supportive team to help make my daughters passing a little less difficult. A huge thank you to everyone. The hospice team are truly angels here on earth. A very special thank you to Keaton, Kai, April, Trista, Jerry, and volunteer Nancy. A huge thank you to everyone that works in hospice! Thank you for calling and checking on us, the family and the patient. My daughter lost her battle to alcohol addiction but due to the amazing hospice team they helped my daughter and family make it through this. Working in heavens waiting room isn’t an official job title.” 

The “Who’s Your Angel” program is an opportunity for patients and their families to express their appreciation to anyone in the Health System who had a positive influence in their healthcare experience. When the donor makes a financial gift of any size in the name of the employee and writes up a story sharing the experience, the Foundation deposits the gift to the patient care area or restricted fund that most closely matches the employee(s) being honored or the reason for the patient’s time with the Health System. This donation was deposited to the Hospice Fund. One hundred percent of Foundation gifts are designated to caring for patients in need.  

Any staff member can be nominated for a Who’s Your Angel award, and nomination forms can be found in a surplus of Health System departments from Palmyra to Hannibal, Pittsfield, to Golden and more! For more information regarding the “Who’s Your Angel” program, or giving of any kind to Blessing Health System, contact the Blessing Foundation at 217-223-8400, Ext. 4800, or go online to blessinghealth.org/angel