Any kind of medical problem can complicate life, mental health issues in particular.

Take the man, for instance, who contacted the Blessing Resource Center for help.  He had tried on his own to schedule a behavioral health appointment, but he had failed.  He called the Blessing Resource Center and talked with Center representative, Alicia Lankford.

Alicia Lankford

It turned out to be the right call for this man.

“The gentleman told me he struggles with completing tasks because he lacks the ability to follow through,” Alicia said. “He said he really wanted to get help with his issues, but could not seem to get the things done required to get an appointment.”

Alicia told the man she could help.  He stopped by the Center and together they completed the paperwork needed to receive a behavioral health appointment and scheduled the appointment.  Bonus for the visit; the man did not have a primary care provider.  While at the Center he selected one and Alicia helped him set up his first appointment with that provider.

“He said it was really nice to be able to talk to someone who listened and was kind to him,” she concluded.

This is what exceptional care looks, sounds and feels like.

The Blessing Resource Center makes navigating healthcare easier by providing help from a friendly and knowledgeable staff that delivers personalized service to help people find the healthcare or get the answers they need all in one place - 420 N. 34th Street in Quincy - or with one phone call - 217-277-5000

What can Alicia and the Blessing Resource Center team do for you?  Stop by, call or visit