Blessing Hospital patients who meet medical criteria will no longer have to wait in their room for a ride home. Blessing will open a new patient discharge lounge on Monday, October 15.
The discharge lounge will be located behind the Moorman Pavilion Information Desk. It will be available from 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week, including holidays.
“The discharge lounge is all about the patient experience and flow through the system” said Ashley Shaffer, Director, Nursing Operations. “It gives patients a needed change of scenery, a comfortable and clinically-supervised place to get out of the hospital room they have been in to wait for their ride home.” “By moving patients to the lounge it will allow RNs to transition discharged patients out of the department to prepare for arrival of new patients.”
“The lounge also allows the Environmental Services team to get into rooms more quickly to get them cleaned and ready for the next patient to meet patient flow needs,” she said.
Shaffer adds the location of the patient discharge lounge will be convenient for loved ones or area nursing home staff to pull up to the North Entrance at Moorman Pavilion and efficiently get the discharged patient to the vehicle.