No one wants to believe they are having a heart attack.

Just ask Blessing Resource Center representative Ashley McChristy. She once talked with a man who wanted to make an appointment with a primary care provider, and had questions about his pending appointment with the Blessing cardiology department.

Alicia Lankford, Cassie Smith and Ashley McChristy of the Blessing Resource Center

“In talking with him, it was very clear that he was having symptoms of a heart attack,” Ashley said. “The man didn’t want to go to the Emergency Center and was insisting on just a doctor’s appointment.”

Ashley is not a professional caregiver. But she works right next door to a great team of caregivers at the Blessing Express Clinic. Blessing Resource Center reps turn to Express Clinic providers when they are working with people who have urgent clinical questions or concerns. 

On this day, Ashley connected her caller with Maria Wells of the Blessing Express Clinic. Maria used her clinical expertise to convince the man to go to the Blessing Emergency Center.

Ashley would come to learn during the course of her work that the man underwent a cardiac catheterization and angioplasty for blocked arteries as a result of his call to the Blessing Resource Center.

Exceptional care from start to finish.

The Blessing Resource Center makes navigating healthcare easier by providing help from a friendly and knowledgeable staff that delivers personalized service to help people find the healthcare, or get the answers they need in one place - 420 N. 34th Street in Quincy - or with one phone call - 217-277-5000

What can the Blessing Resource Center team - Ashley (at right in the photo), Cassie (seated) and Alicia (standing behind Cassie) - do for you?  Stop by, call or visit to find out.