What is Reappointment?

Reappointment is the process of re-evaluating a practitioner’s qualifications/current competency to provide care of services in or for a healthcare organization after they have been appointed to the Medical or Advance Practice Professional Staff.

Reappointment Process

  • Blessing Hospital Medical Staff Services Reappointment Staff sends each practitioner an electronic reappointment packet six months prior to their reappointment expiration date.
  • Blessing Hospital reappoints each practitioner via a schedule based on the initial start date of the practitioner.
  • Practitioners need to complete the reappointment application within 60 days of receipt, reviewing/updating information and completing new disclosure questions.
  • Practitioners must also complete a privilege form indicating the privileges they wish to request upon reappointment. Documentation required for any requested privileges must be submitted with the reappointment application.
  • Blessing Hospital Reappointment Staff processes each practitioner’s reappointment application upon receipt and conducts primary source verifications of licensure, board certification and current malpractice insurance in addition to verifying current clinical competence (i.e. patient/procedure volumes) for privileges requested.
  • Completed reappointments (i.e. all verifications received) are presented to the applicable Department Chairperson for review/approval prior to being presented to the Credentials Committee, Medical Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees for final approval to reappoint approximately two months before the practitioner’s reappointment expiration.
  • Per Joint Commission Hospital accreditation standards, practitioners are granted initial appointment and reappointment for two years at Blessing Hospital. Upon approval to reappoint by the Board of Trustees, practitioners will receive a letter from the Board of Trustees along with a copy of their approved privileges.

Contact Information for Reappointment Staff

Reappointments: (217) 223-8400 ext. 6670
Reappointments Office Fax: (217) 223-0610
Reappointments Office Email: MedicalStaffServices@blessinghealthsystem.org