Infectious Disease Medicine deals with a broad spectrum of infections ranging throughout all of the body’s systems and organs. Dealing with mild to severe infections, Dr. Adnan Mushtaq, Christina Michelle Miller, APRN-FNP, and our team will thoroughly work to identify what infections are impacting your body and to find solutions.

Experience the Blessing Difference: Our Infectious Disease Medicine Care

Whether your infection may be viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic, our Infectious Disease Medicine team takes an in-depth approach to identifying the issue and find solutions.

  • Quality: Our goal is to identify your infections and treat in a way that is best for you. We listen to you to best understand what is happening in your body. Our experienced staff treats you with empathy and respect.
  • Expert Knowledge: Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease. Our staff meets all Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) requirements and maintains certification through the American Board of Internal Medicine.
  • Evidence-based medicine: Our approach to care is based up on studies and evidence-based practices.
  • General principles: With a throughout discovery process including speaking with you, examinations and lab data, investigating every patient’s infection is its own journey that we treat with care. We’ll put together a picture of your labwork and health history to best identify your specific issue.

Infectious Disease Medicine: Conditions We Treat

Our staff works closely with providers and referrals from several other healthcare specialties to identify infections in your body. Some examples of those from referring providers include the following:

Travel Medicine

Blessing Health Travel Medicine Clinic provides immunizations and advice for international travelers as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through our Infectious Disease department. Whether traveling for pleasure or work or embarking on a humanitarian mission, it is vital to make an appointment with our Blessing Infectious Disease experts prior to leaving.  Take advantage of our providers expertise to help avoid travel associated illnesses. To make an appointment, please call 217-214-9630

 Blessing Travel Medicine Clinic offers the following vaccines for Adult travelers:

  • Hepatitis A                                                                                              
  • Hepatitis B
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Meningococcal
  • Rabies
  • TDAP
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow Fever

Plan Early

Please note immunizations require four to six weeks for full effectiveness. We recommend scheduling an office consultation at least two months prior to travel. Please bring any prior immunization records to visit.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment or refer a patient, please call (217) 214-9630.

Refer a Patient

If you are a doctor who wants to refer a patient to Blessing’s Infectious Disease Medicine and Travel Medicine team, please call (217) 214-9630.