We encourage you to contact support group organizers in advance if you have questions.

Addiction/Substance Abuse

Addicts Victorious

  • Meets each Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. at Horizons in Quincy (224 S. 8th). The Women's Group meets each Thursday from 4-5 p.m. The Men's Group meets every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. For more information, call 217-223-1388.

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Please call 217-257-8787 before attending a meeting as times and locations vary. Alcoholics Anonymous is a weekly time for individuals to come together and discuss anything that is happening in their lives. It helps keep people from being isolated with their problems, and is a weekly reminder that no matter what the circumstances, they are not alone! Addicts Victorious has the answer, not just for alcohol, not just for drugs, but for any problem, fear or addiction that anyone can suffer! Visit aad5.org for updated schedules.


  • Meets each Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the Serenity Club, located at 901 S. 8th in Quincy.

Alanon/Alateen Information Line

  • For immediate assistance, call (888) 4-ALANON at any time.

Re generation

  • Meets every Monday from 6-8 p.m. at The Crossing in Quincy (150 48th Street). Re generation is a Christ-centered group based on discipleship. For more information, contact Brett Scharnhorst at (217) 490-3973.


Alzheimers Support Groups

  • Meets every fourth Monday at 6:30-7:30 p.m. at 213 N. 48th Street in Quincy. Call 217-919-2084 for more information.
  • Meets every first Tuesday of the month at Carthage Memorial Medical Center, 1454, N. County Road 250, Carthage, Illinois.
  • Alzheimer's Hotline: 1-800-272-3900.


Amputee Support Group

  • Meets every first Tuesday of the month. from 6-7 p.m. Call Luanne at (217-222-9223 for meeting locations.


Great River Autism Connection

  • Call Quincy Medical Group Pediatric Therapy Department at 217-222-6550, ext. 3418 for more information.

Puzzlebox Autism Awareness and Support Group

  • Meets every third Monday of the month in the Third Floor Conference Room of Illini Community Hospital in Pittsfield, from 6-8 p.m. Contact Taylor Sweeting at (217) 370-8142, or email taylor.sweeting@yahoo.com.

Brain Injury

Caregiver Support Group and/or Survivor Network Meeting

  • For more information on meeting dates, times and locations, call Dr. Margie Williams at 217-242-3235 or email margiegwilliams@gmail.com


Bereavement Group provided by Community Loving Care Hospice

  • Meets the third Monday of every month from 6-7 pm at Knights of Columbus, 1 Columbus Rd. in Hannibal. For more details, contact Lisa Bross at 573-324-9828.

Blessing Appearance Center: Look Your Best

  • We understand that maintaining your appearance during cancer treatment helps you feel better. At our Appearance Center, our staff and volunteers offer strategies and tips for looking your best throughout the treatment journey. Our services include:
    • Wigs, scarves, hats and turbans: Some types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy may cause you to temporarily lose your hair. You can choose from a selection of gently used wigs and head coverings. Our staff and volunteer beauticians help you choose the look that best suits you. Visit our Appearance Center on the lower level of the Cancer Center or contact us at (217) 223-8400, ext. 7709.
    • “Renew”:  This program recruits professional beauticians and/or beauty consultants who volunteer their time to support women with cancer. You can get professional advice on how to look your best with recommendations for skin and nail care, makeup application and style.  For more information or to schedule an individual consultation, contact us at (217) 223-8400, ext. 7709

Cancer Connect

  • A support group for anyone touched by cancer; survivors, in treatment, monitoring, caregivers and loved ones. Meets every third Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Quincy Medical Group Cancer Institute at 3301 Broadway. No cost, and drinks and snacks are provided.

Male Survivors Group (for friends and family members of survivors)

  • Meets every fourth Thursday of each month from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the James Cary Cancer Center, 5985 Hospital Drive, Hannibal, Missouri. Call 573-406-5800 for details.

Pinkie Pals (current or past breast cancer)

Reach for Recovery (Post-Surgical Mastectomy)

  • One on one meetings  Contact Sheila Hermsmeyer at 217-223-8400, ext. 4284, to schedule a meeting.

Road to Recovery (Cancer appointment transportation assistance)

  • Contact The American Cancer Society at 800-227-2345 for details.

Survivor and Caregiver Support Group (open to family, friends and survivors- anyone affected by cancer)

  • Meets as needed. Meetings are held at  James E. Cary Cancer Center, 5985 Hospital Drive, Hannibal, Missouri. Call 573-406-5800 to set up an appointment.

Women’s Support Group (open to all women cancer survivors – current or past diagnosis of any cancer)

  • Meets every fourth Thursday in January through Sept, and every third Thursday from October through December, from 10-11 am. This is held at Blessing Cancer Center in the Complimentary Services Room by the Radiation Oncology Department in Moorman Pavilion.


Social/coping skills groups

Each group listed below meets at the SIU Center for Family Medicine. Contact Angie Henderson at 217-9484, ext. 5720, for more information.

Kindergarten-2nd grade

  • Meets Mondays from 3:30-4:30 pm

3rd-5th grade

  • Meets Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm

6th-8th grade

  • Meets Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m.

High School

Meets Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m.


Diabetes Group (Adults)

  • Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at Noon, and the first Thursday of the month, at 6:30 p.m. Some exceptions will apply through the year, due to vacations, or holidays, or special events at other locations. You are encouraged to call (217) 223-8400, ext. 5912, to confirm meeting times and locations. Meetings are regularly held at the Blessing Diabetes Center Classroom, located at Blessing Health Center West, at 927 Broadway in Quincy.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome Support Group

  • Meets every last Monday of the month in the 11th Street Auditorium at Blessing Hospital, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Contact Lisa Neisen at (217) 223-8400, ext. 4190, or (217) 885-3159.


Bereaved Parents Support Group

  • This group meet on the first Thursday of each month from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Blessing Resource Center. Open to anyone affected by child loss, early pregnancy loss, or the loss of an adult child. Contact Shannon Zanger at 217-223-8400, ext. 5574 for more information.

Grief Share (Hannibal)

  • A 13-week session that takes place at Calvary Baptist Church, 4605 West Ely Road, Hannibal, Missouri. Call Christy Perkins at 573-221-1404 for dates and times.

Grief Share (Greenfield)

  • A 12-week program that is hosted at Greenfield First Baptist Church, 507 Mulberry Street, Greenfield, Illinois. Call Lisa at 217-223-2504 for information about meeting times.

Grief Share (Quincy)

  • A 13 or 14-week session, offered twice a year at St. Anthony's Church, 2223 Saint Anthony Road, Quincy, Illinois. Call 217-222-5996 for more information about upcoming meetings.

James E. Cary Cancer Center

  • One on one, small group, or family meetings. Open to anyone who has suffered a loss, not just for cancer patients. Located at the James E. Cary Cancer Center, 5985 Hospital Drive, Hannibal, Missouri. Call 573-406-5800 to schedule a time.

Madison Park Christian Church

Meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at 4700 Broadway, Quincy, Illinois. Call 217-222-2529 to verify meeting times, each winter and summer the meetings take a break.

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s Disease Support Group

  • Contact Emily Zivin at 630-443-9876. Zivin is a social worker with Huntington's Disease Society of America. Email evizin@hsda.org for more details.

Mental Health

Left Behind/Moving Forward

  • This group is for survivors of suicide of a friend, family member or loved one. It meets every third Monday of the month, from 6-7 p.m., at Transitions of Western Illinois in Quincy.

Local Suicide Hotline:(217) 222-1166

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Warm Line - 866-359-9753

Veterans Hotline - 800-273-8255.


Newcomers of Quincy, Illinois

  • A group formed to meet new people, make lifelong friendships and help newcomers feel at home. Whether be knit, play cards, laugh over coffee, read books togerher, go out to eat, play groups with children, and more! Visit www.quincynewcomers.org for upcoming events in the area.

Organ Donation

Second Chance

  • For organ transplant recipients, donor families and those on a waiting list. Meets every third Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 p.m., at the BH Java, located at the Blessing Hospital Front Lobby. Contact Kim Funk at (217) 322-3065 for more information.

Quincy Area Ostomy Support Group

  • Meets 2 p.m. on the third Sunday of January, March, May, July, September and November in 2022. Located at the Quincy Senior and Family Resource Center, 639 York Street. Contact Connie Marsh at 217-617-2569.


Bereaved Parents Support Group

  • Meets every first Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm at the Blessing Resource Center at 420 N. 34th Street in Quincy. Open to anyone affected by child loss, from early pregnancy loss, to the loss of an adult child. Light snacks, coffee and water are provided. Contact Shannon Zanger at 217-223-8400, ext. 5574 for more information.

Bundles of Blessings Breastfeeding Group

  • Meets every Monday from 9-11am, and Wednesday from 4:30-6:30pm at the Fourth Floor OB Classroom) at Blessing Hospital. Call Tina Womack, at (217) 223-8400, ext. 8407, for details.

Facebook Regional Peer to Peer Support Group; “Best Beginnings: Quincy IL Breastfeeding Support Group”

Postpartum Support Group

  • Meets the third Wednesday of each month from 9:00-10:30am at Quincy Children's Museum, located at 115 N. 4th Street in Quincy. Blessing Health System and Quincy Children's Museum are teaming up to support new parents. Join us to share and receive support during your parenting journey. Contact Shannon Zanger at 217-223-8400, ext. 5574 for more information.


Quincy Parkinson’s Support Group

  • Meets the first Saturday of each month from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and the second Thursday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. Contact David or Terry May at 217-224-7027.

Moms To Be (For any pregnant woman)

  • Times vary; meets at the Adams County Health Department. Call Emily Andrews at 217-222-8440, ext. 121, or email eandrews@adams.il.us for the next meeting time.

MUMS (Moms Uplifting Moms)

  • Meets every second Thursday of the month from September-May, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Madison Park Christian Church, 4700 Broadway, Quincy, Illinois. Call 217-222-2895 for more information.

Parent Helpline (Crisis & Resource Line)

  • Call 888-727-5889.

Parenting the Love & Logic Way (6-week Course)

  • Provide parents with practical skills, avoid power struggles and arguments, set enforceable limits, stay calm, empower your children, help kids learn from their mistakes instead of repeating them. This is a 6-week program. Call Angie Henderson at SIU Center of Family Medicine at 217-224-9484, ext. 5720, to see when the next class begins.

Parenting the Love & Logic Way (Fall & Spring Sessions)

  • Provide parents with practical skills, avoid power struggles and arguments, set enforceable limits, stay calm, empower your children, help kids learn from their mistakes instead of repeating them. This is a 6-week program. This is offered at Blessing Hospital's Lauretta M. Eno Early Learning Center. Call Brad Bergeman at 217-228-7121 to see when the next class begins.


Pain Management Group for Adults

  • Call Angie Henderson at SUI Center of Family Medicine at 217-224-9484, ext. 5720 for more information.

Pet Loss

Pet Loss Support Group

  • Meets every first Tuesday from 6-7 pm at Four Paws Veterinary Clinic, 2517 W. Schneidman Dr., in Quincy. No reservations needed and no cost. Light snacks, coffee, and water will be provided. You do not need to be a client of the clinic to attend; it is open to anyone who has lost a pet. For more information, call (217) 209-3225. 


Show Me Healthy Relationships Class

  • We assist married couples to build their relationship, or assist singles choose the right partner. Once you take the initial classes, then you are open to take additional classes, stress management, money management, etc. Classes are hosted at Douglass Community Center, 711 Grand Avenue, Hannibal, Missouri. Call 573-221-3892 for more information.

Sexual Orientation

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

  • Meets every second Thursday of the month at Quincy Unitarian Church, beginning at 7 p.m. Email hannibalquincypflag@gmail.com for more details.


Sleep Disorders Support Group

  • Meets every third Tuesday in April and October. The group meets from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Blessing Sleep Center, located in the in Bank of Quincy building. For questions, call (217) 277-5390.


Smoking Cessation Counseling

  • Meets once a month at the Blessing Cancer Center, Lower Level. Call Stephanie Willey at 217-223-8400, ext. 7718 for upcoming dates.

Vision Impairment

Vision Impaired - Low Vision and Blind

  • Meets every first Thursday of the month from 10-11 a.m. at the Quincy Senior Center. Contact Patricia Bissell at (217) 779-3821 or pmbissell53@gmail.com.
  • Meets every last Saturday of the month from 12-2 p.m. at St. James Lutheran Church. Call (217) 779-3821 by the Tuesday before the meeting to RSVP for a free meal and transportation.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Support Group

  • Meets every first Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Blessing Weight Loss Center, 1107 College, Quincy, Illinois. Call 217-214-5800 for upcoming meeting times and to register.

Transportation Services

Predmore Shuttle

  • A shuttle service that provides transportation to hospitals.  Call (217) 222-7055 or (800) 754-2200 for more information or reservations.

RAD’s Shuttle 

  • Call Rob Robertson at (573) 795-1461 for details.

Road to Recovery

  • American Cancer Society, Springfield (217) 546-7586. For patients needing transportation assistance for treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation and dialysis at the Hospital.

RSVP - The Quincy RSVP office

  • Call (217) 224-3633. This group has volunteers who drive patients to treatments. They can refer callers to RSVP services available in other area communities.

Community Resources

New Start Rescue Mission: A Men’s Discipleship Program

  • Located at 936 N. 6th Street in Quincy. Contact Bill Hahn at (217) 223-1200.

United Way HelpLine

  • (217) 224-1223