Will Starter Kit

Click here to download our Will Planning Starter Kit

Will Planning Starter Kit - Will Starter Kit

Estate Planning Starter Kit

Click here to download our Estate Planning Starter Kit

Estate Planning Starter Kit - Estate Planning Starter Kit

Having A Plan

The term “estate planning” tends to intimidate people. It sounds like something for the wealthy. It seems like something that can wait until retirement. It is neither. Estate planning is for everyone, and the time to create one is now.

That’s because estate planning is about taking control in the most important areas of your life—like your family, your business, and the charities and causes you care about. Without a plan, important decisions about your assets, your healthcare, and the care of your children are left to the courts and state laws to handle according to predetermined formulas.

You’ve worked hard to achieve what you have—whether it’s a little or a lot or somewhere in between—and you deserve the right to say what happens to it. An estate plan gives you the control you deserve.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Blessing Foundation if you would like to discuss the possibility of including the Blessing Foundation in your estate plans.

Why start now?

The Blessing Foundation encourages you to start estate planning now, regardless of where you are in life's journey. More than 54-percent of Americans pass away without a valid will in place.

Estate planning can help you establish priorities, identify your goals and organize thoughts on how you wish to leave your legacy.

What are my next steps?

What we offer at the Blessing Foundation is an estate planning booklet and a will planning starter kit, both free of charge, to help you do the following:

  • Take the fear out of estate planning.
  • Prepare you to have intelligent conversations with your attorneys and financial planners and make informed decisions about what you’ve worked hard to earn.
  • Help you consider your priorities, identify your goals, organize your thoughts— and get started!
  • Introduce you to charitable planned giving strategies that can benefit you, your heirs, and the charities you care about.

This booklet does not replace professional advice, or try to convince you to "disinherit" your loved ones and heirs in favor of making charitable gifts.


For more information about the Blessing Foundation or to discuss the toolkits available, please call (217) 223-8400, ext. 4800, or email us at blessingfoundation@blessinghealth.org. Correspondence can also be sent to the address below: 

Blessing Foundation
4939 Oak Street
PO Box 7005
Quincy, Illinois 62305-7005