Volunteer sees the beauty in every cancer patient she meets

Poet Maya Angelou said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” That’s the story of Bonnie Hallerberg’s life. Whether in the kitchen creating meals for family and friends, designing artificial floral cemetery arrangements for those who have experienced loss, or changing the lives of Blessing Cancer Center patients - in her 70s, Bonnie is as talented and productive as ever.

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Finding hope - and a reason to laugh - after cancer

Dan Simbro has a contagious sense of humor. Ask him how many grandchildren he has and Dan will tell you “a bunch” because he’s afraid to give an exact number and forget someone. In the days before Easter 2022, at age 68, Dan dressed up in a bright pink bunny suit and passed out candy in public.

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A sister’s advice leads to shocking discovery

It’s probably pneumonia. Maybe it’s COVID? Those were the thoughts running through the mind of 28-year old Patrick Smith as he drove through a dark winter’s night from his home in Hannibal to the Blessing Hospital Emergency Center.

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