Programs, services and new technology featured on our website and in the latest issue of Personal Blessing, made possible in part by donations to Blessing Hospital and The Blessing Foundation. The Giving Society is an honor roll of those showing love through charitable giving of $100 and above. Donor recognition levels listed below were contributed from July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
Visionaries ($100,000 - $999,999)
Anonymous Donor
Associates ($10,000 - $49,999)
- Kent Adams
- Mark Adams
- Suzi Duker
- Drs. Nickolas and Kristi Gillette
- Robert and Phyllis Hofmeister
- Col and Mrs. Fred Phelps
- Candace Tretter
Partners ($1,000 - $9,999)
- Tanna M. Barry
- Dr. Tim and Tanya Beth
- Brad and Bonnie Billings
- Zigrida R. Brown
- Dr. Michael and Sharon Bukstein
- Brian and Kate Canfield
- Billy* and Ann Cadwallader
- Ann Carmack
- Kevin Coleman
- Roy A. Doerhoff, MD
- Chaplain Jerry Edison
- Michael Gaines
- Barbara K. Gorman
- Susan K. Grist
- John Hagler
- Sabrina Hagler
- Mike and Vickey Haxel
- Maureen and Barney Kahn
- Jim and Peggy Kaiser
- John and Linda Kestner
- John and Karen Keys
- Mark and Rebecca Mesplay
- Dr. Coletta Miller and Alan Knepler
- Dr. Mark and Rebecca Mount
- Jeff and Anne Norton
- Richard L. O'Halloran, MD
- Hal and Kathy Oakley
- Andy and Marie Petersheim
- Debra M. Phillips, MD
- Bryan J. Pimlott, MD
- Jerome J. Platt
- Lloyd and Edna Ramer
- Paul and Chasidy Rees
- James and Melinda Rinella
- Will and Kristin Spear
- Anandi Subbian, MD
- Lawrence L. Swearingen
- Shawn Valter
- ADM Archer Daniels Midland Company
- Birth Trauma Awareness Fundraiser
- Blessing Hospital Medical/Dental Staff
- Brown Electric Construction Company
- Carter's Coffee Bar, LLC
- Cell Tech Electronics, Inc.
- Commerce Bancshares Foundation
- Community Foundation West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri
- Craig Industries, Inc.
- First Bankers Trust Company, NA
- Gift of Hope Community Foundation
- J.W. Gardner II Foundation
- Joseph Reich Trucking, Inc.
- Mark Twain Casino
- Nutrition HQ
- Papa John's Pizza
- Peters Heating & Cooling
- Pink Pass It On 5K Walk in the District
- Quincy Senior High School Boys Soccer Team
- Sparrow Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Friends ($100-$999)
- Lisa Van Amerongen
- Cathy Anderson
- Mary Andich
- Darren Antoine
- Mary Beth Awerkamp
- Gary* and Lia Balke
- Ricky and Deborah Baker
- Dr. John and Stephanie Barbagiovanni
- Arif A. Bari, MD
- Pat Bauer
- William and Sharon Bearden
- June Beeler
- Dennis and Rachel Bergman
- Brooklyn Bertels
- Michael and Kristine Bickhaus
- Julius N. Bonnett
- Janet A. Brandmill
- Jo Ellen Brannan
- Ann and Patrick Brennan
- Michael and Carol Brennan
- Laurie A. Brink
- Ned and Reaugh Broemmel
- Dan and Sherry Brothers
- Brenda Brown
- Lynn Bubb
- Michael and Jean Buckley
- Kirt and Jena Bunch
- Nicholas and Jennifer Burleson
- Elizabeth J. Busbey
- David and Laura Butsch
- Donald and Kathrine Byars
- Keith and Cathy Byars
- Dennis and Marianne Cashman
- Devin and Anne Cashman
- William Christison
- Dave and Dana Clinard
- Adam Coggeshall
- Dennis Coleman Family
- Phil and Bonnie Conover
- Janet S. Conrady
- Marion Cornelius
- Tony and Lisa Costigan
- Kathryn Cox
- Gene Crabtree
- Jenna L. Crabtree
- Norma Crossland
- James and Barbara Daggett
- Rick and Lori Day
- Karen DeHart
- William and Deborah Deiber
- Daniel and Ruth Devitt
- Devin and Allison Dietrich
- David and Sue Dickhut
- Bob and Ann Awerkamp Dickson
- Nancy Dolan
- Dale and Deborah Dornblaser
- Barbara Drozdz
- Tim and Celeste Eaton
- Steve and Maria Eckert
- Amy M. Edwards
- Richard and Laura Gerdes Ehrhart
- Jordan L. Elsie
- Millie Erdel
- John Ervin
- Stephanie Erwin
- Leslie and Mary Eslinger
- Mary A. Espey
- Burt Ewing
- Sue Fansler
- John Farwell
- Jeffrey Fessler and James Young
- Sandra Fessler
- Bob Fischer
- Norma Flesner
- Greg and Betsy Fornoff
- Steve and Tara Frank
- Kathleen Frese
- James C. Gay
- Valerie Geisendorfer
- Mark and Gaye Georges
- Reina Gianfriddo
- Brenda Gilbert
- Dr. Steven and Elizabeth Ginos
- Ben Eftink and Heather Grant
- Carl and Joy Gray
- Ray Gregory
- Joanna Groh
- William and Janet Graham
- Dr. Dennis and Linda Go
- Susannah Go
- Judy Goodwin
- Deborah K. Gorman
- Michael and Ginny Gully
- Jeff and Wendy Gunn
- Norman and Sally Haerr
- Nicole Hainds
- David and Debra Hamilton
- Sylvia Harvey
- Ann Haugh
- Patrick and Linda Haugh
- Kenneth and Bonnie Heming
- Dennis and Sarah Hill
- J. Matt and Jessie Hill
- Mary B. Hoener
- Pamela S. Holliday
- Robert and Donna Holman
- Alexander and Lynn House
- Ronald D. Howlett
- John and Patricia Hubbard
- Patrick Humphrey
- Steve and Tonya Hurst
- Denise Imlah
- Robert B. Ivers
- Jerry and Mary Jackson
- John C. Johnson
- Dr. Lee and Dolor Johnson
- Dr. Lent Johnson and Dr. Sandra Ahlum
- Richard Jones
- Stephanie Johnson
- Stuart and Janet Kaiser
- Chuck and Caroline Keller
- Mary Kemner
- Troy and Angela Kemp
- Austin and Kimberly Kestner
- George and Tracy Kiefer
- Alan and Susan Kill
- Susan Killion
- Gary and Jo Kirlin
- Chris and Jennifer Kirn
- Ann Knapheide
- Bo and Erin Knapheide
- Timothy and Wendy Koontz
- Jeff and Raquel Kroencke
- Peggy Kroencke
- Carolee Kruse
- Christopher and Kimberly Larson
- Jerome and Marlene Larson
- Steve and Sherry Law
- Doug and Kellye Linebach
- Sarah LoBue
- Vern and Patty Loeffler
- Edward and Ronda Logan
- John and Mary Logsdon
- Margot Longjohn
- Steve and Amy Looten
- Charles and Margaret Lucier
- Phyllis Lugering
- Patti Lund
- Dave and Lori Maddox
- Doris Malacarne
- Sam and Lesa Markert
- Jacob and Martha Mast
- Judge William and Sharon Mays
- Donna McCain
- Elizabeth McCarthy
- Jeff and Mary McClean
- Justin McDermott
- Brian and Carrie McKinney
- Richard and Gloria McKinney
- Kathy McLaughlin and Niki McLaughlin
- Pamela McLean
- Conrad McNay
- Barby and Gregg Mecherle
- Frances Megginson
- Drs. Thomas and Mary Miller
- Aleen Mittelberg
- Delmer and Barbara Mitchell
- Dean and Dorothy Moore
- Dennis and Sharon Morrall
- Greg and Pam Morris
- Mark and Mary Ann Morrison
- Mary Myers
- Michael Neisen
- Kathy Nelson
- Rose Mary Nesbit
- Mary Jane Neu
- Sandra Nichols
- Roy and Mary Ann Nickel
- Drew and Terry Niemann
- Daniel Nuessen*
- Diane and Richard Nutter
- Katie O'Neal
- David and Theresa Oakley
- Mary K. Oakley
- Signe Oakley
- Dan and Suzy Awerkamp Obringer
- Mary Ohnemus
- Robert and Joan Olach
- Dan L. Oliver
- Gregory L. Olson
- Thomas Pennington
- Tobie and Mary Petersheim
- Dwight and Lynn Phillips
- Arlen and Christia Provancha
- Dr. Louis and Janet Quintero
- Mary Jo Ragar
- Steve and Shelli Reich
- Thelma Reische
- Drs. Adam and Stephanie Reyburn
- Cindy Reynolds
- Roger and Mary Rhodes
- Brad and Barb Richmiller
- Erin Roberts
- Christopher and Jamie Robnett
- Jo Anne W. Rodgers
- Connie Runge
- Ron and Sue Rush
- Brad Rushing
- Dr. Richard and Kim Saalborn
- Dr. Demir and Vicky Saka
- Melissa Schaefer
- Charlie and Lisa Schimberg
- Kathy Schisler
- Matt C. Schlotter
- Charles W. Scholz, Attorney at Law
- Charles and Diane Schroeder
- Dr. Rex and Lori Schulz
- Dawn and Kenneth Schuster II
- Jeff and Tracy Schutte
- Stan and Kathy Schwartz
- Dr. William and Michelle Severino
- Gregory and Theresa Sharpe
- Steve and Judy Siebers
- Lisa Skidmore & Family
- Phillip and Minnie Smith
- Phyllis Smith
- Paul and Cindi Soebbing
- Taylor Solaro
- Lynn Sparks
- Jordan Springsteen
- Scott and Susan Stamerjohn
- David and Jackie Stammeyer
- Shelly Steinkamp
- Mark and Sarah Stephens
- Carolyn H. Stevenson
- Christine Svejda
- Esther Szachnitowski
- Nadine Szczepanski
- Judith M. Talken
- Robin A. Taylor
- Rita H. Tayyab
- Mary Tenhouse
- Joshua and Deverie Troutman
- T.K. Tushaus
- Jeff and Sharon Tweedell
- Pantea Vahidl
- Chet and Barb Vahle
- Steve Vail
- George L. Van Deven
- John and Vieve Veith
- Justin and Erin VonderHaar
- William and Deborah VonderHaar
- Dan and Sheryl Voorhis
- Clyde and Sally Wakefield
- Harold and Ronda Wand
- Dave and Angie Wedding
- Lyndle Wedding
- Kathleen Wells
- Dave and Kelly Williams
- Kiona Wright
- Dale R. Wuestenfeld
- Sue Zinn
- Adams & McReynolds, LLP
- Adams Telephone Co-Operative
- Albsmeyer Electric, Inc.
- American Legion Auxiliary
- Architechnics, Inc.
- Beacon United Methodist Church
- Bethany United Church of Christ
- Brown County State Bank
- Buckingham Strategic Wealth
- Cardiac Classic Golf Tournament
- Chem Gro, Inc.
- Day of Fun Friends
- Dearwester Grain Services, Inc.
- Doyle Equipment Manufacturing Co., Inc.
- Farmers State Bank of Mt. Sterling
- Gray Hunter Stenn LLP
- J.M. Huber Corporation
- Kelly's Tavern
- Mary's Plant Bar
- Mercantile Bank
- Michelmann Foundation
- Mt. Sterling Implement Co.
- National Association of Letter Carriers Branch #216
- Neisen Transportation, Inc.
- Niemann Foods, Inc.
- Niemann General Contracting, Inc.
- Payson Seymour High School Girls Volleyball Team
- Priority One Printing & Mailing
- Quincy Senior High School Girls Volleyball Team
- Quincy Woodstove Glass, Inc.
- R. L. Brink Corp.
- Refreshment Services Pepsi
- Rethink Media Group
- Schmiedeskamp Robertson Neu & Mitchell LLP
- ServPro of Quincy
- Simply Shiloh Boutique
- South Wyaconda Baptist Church
- St. Francis Solanus Church
- St. Francis Solanus School
- Staff & Staff Attorneys at Law
- State Street Bank & Trust Company
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- The Maschhoffs, Inc.
- TI Trust
- Tom Boland Ford
- Two Rivers Bank & Trust
- United Community Credit Union
- United Steel Workers Local 444
- United Systems, Inc.
- Unity High School Girls Volleyball Team
- Western High School Girls Volleyball Team
*designates deceased
Gifts below were received for the following services:
4th Floor Pediatrics, Behavioral Health Services Fund, Big Hearts TAPP, Blessed Beginnings, Blessing Employee Crisis Fund, Blessing Hospice - Hancock County, Blessing Hospice - Pike County, Blessing Hospice & Palliative Care, Blessing Lauretta M. Eno Early Learning Center, B-RCN General Endowment, B-RCN Other Grants Fund, B-RCN Unrestricted, Breast Services, Cancer Center & Radiation Services, Caring Club Fund, Chaplain Education, Diabetes Patient Care Fund, Emergency Center, Health Sciences Programs Crisis and Scholarship Fund, Heart & Vascular Center, Home Care, Hospice/Palliative Care HOPE Project, Illini – Unrestricted, Intensive Care Unit, Pharmacy, Quincy Hospitality House, Teresa Adams House Building Fund, Blessing Foundation Unrestricted Fund, and Volunteer Services.