Experience the Blessing Difference: Colorectal Surgery

We have the most advanced surgical equipment in west-central Illinois and the expert surgical teams to match. If you come to Blessing for care, you benefit from:

  • Minimally invasive surgery: We perform most of our surgeries through a few tiny incisions. We use a laparoscope, a thin tube with imaging capabilities, to guide our tools to the surgical site and perform the surgery. Minimally invasive techniques mean less pain and trauma for you and a quicker recovery.

  • Robotics-aided surgery: Our da Vinci® robotics-aided surgical system takes minimally invasive surgeries to a new level of precision and control. Because the robotics-guided instruments are more maneuverable and flexible than traditional, surgeon-held instruments, we can remove damaged or diseased tissue and spare the delicate nerves and blood vessels around it. Robotics-aided surgery can reduce your risk of complications from surgery and your recovery time.

  • MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Prostate Biopsy: MRI-ultrasound fusion technology can help target lesions and potentially reduce the risk of missing high-grade or under-staging tumors for active surveillance. At Blessing Health, we utliize the bkFusion integrated solution from BK Medical. This technology targets lesions and potentially reduces the risk of missing high-grade or under-staging tumors for active surveillance. It has been clinically proven that bkFusion has an 84% positive detection rate for significant prostate cancer. 

  • Top surgical teams: Our teams have specialist training in advanced technologies and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Our teams participate in ongoing education to keep up to date with the latest innovations and treatments. We’re committed to providing our community the most advanced treatment options.

Gastrointestinal Screenings

Screening tests can save lives by catching cancers before they have grown or spread. If you are over age 50 or are experiencing digestive problems, we can evaluate the cause with these outpatient procedures. Screenings we perform include:

  • Upper endoscopy: An esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is a procedure we use to examine the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The upper GI tract includes the esophagus (the tube connecting the throat to the stomach), the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. We insert an endoscope, a slender, flexible tube with a lighted camera, through your mouth, into your stomach and to your small intestine. If we notice anything abnormal, we can take a tissue sample during the EGD to test for cancer or other conditions. Learn more about the cancers we treat.

  • Colonoscopy: This test examines the lower GI tract, including the anus, rectum and colon (large intestine). We insert an endoscope through the anus into the rectum and colon to look for abnormalities in the digestive system. We can take a biopsy (tiny tissue sample) to test for cancer or other conditions, if we see anything unusual. Read more about colorectal cancer.

  • Sigmoidoscopy: This test examines the lowest part of the colon. Like a colonoscopy, a sigmoidoscopy uses an endoscope to search for abnormalities that may be causing diarrhea or digestive discomfort. We can also check for polyps (tiny growths) or early signs of cancer.

Conditions We Treat

We treat a full range of gastrointestinal conditions and diseases, including:

  • Colon cancer or other conditions: Certain GI conditions can cause parts of the colon to develop cancer or become chronically inflamed. To treat these conditions, we may need to remove the damaged section of colon. Thanks to our surgeons’ skills and our robotics-aided surgery, we offer options for restoring bowel function including reconnecting the remaining sections.

  • Narrowing of the esophagus: Your esophagus can narrow because of injury or conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Our surgeons can gently stretch your esophagus by inflating a balloon or using a dilator at the end of an endoscope.

  • Other GI cancers: Our surgeons have years of experience in surgeries to treat cancers of the digestive system. GI cancers can develop in the esophagus, gallbladder, liver, stomach, intestines, rectum or anus. Learn more about our cancer treatments and services.

Contact Us

For more information about our colorectal surgery services or to make an appointment with one of our doctors, call (217) 223-1200.