What is the problem of obesity?

Causes of obesity are complicated, but certainly a mixture of genetic, physiological, behavioral/habit, environmental and pharmacological factors as well as cultural influences. Approximately 10 to 15 million Americans are morbidly obese, and 31 million have type II diabetes mellitus.

The term morbid obesity (or severe obesity) is a condition where the obesity is of sufficient severity that it dramatically increases the risk for associated diseases, disability and premature death. The National Institutes of Health states weight loss surgery may be an option for well-informed and motivated patients who meet one of the following criteria:

  • BMI greater than or equal to 40
  • Or BMI greater than 35 with serious associated (co-morbid) medical conditions


Experience the Blessing Difference: Choosing Weight Loss Surgery

At the Bariatric Institute we understand that our patients are seeking ways to be healthy, more active and to feel better. Diet and exercise have only a 2-3% success rate of keeping the weight off.  With weight loss surgery and the support of our expert care team and skilled physicians we can help you with lasting results. Think about the following questions to see if weight loss surgery is right for you.

  • Are you morbidly obese?
    • BMI greater than or equal to 40
    • BMI > 35 with serious associated (co-morbid) medical conditions
  • Do you have health problems related to obesity? Common problems include:
    • Type II diabetes
    • Degenerative joint disease
    • Sleep apnea
    • Urinary “stress” incontinence
    • Hypercholesterolemia
    • Back pain
    • Hypertension
    • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
    • Depression                                         
    • Chronic ankle edema
    • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
    • Chronic cardiopulmonary deconditioning
  • Are you motivated to make lifelong changes to your eating habits and activity level?
  • Do you have social support?
  • Do you have a willingness to work with a team of health care professionals to help your reach your weight loss goals?
  • Can you make a commitment to lifelong follow-up care?

What could be the solution?

The National Institutes of Health reported, after a Consensus Conference in 1991, that “only surgery has proven effective over the long term for most patients with clinically severe obesity.” After review of literature on traditional weight loss therapy, diet and exercise, we find this approach works for 1 in 20 (approximately 5%) of morbidly obese individuals. This does not mean nutrition and physical activity are not an important part of the solution, but that surgical intervention in addition to traditional weight loss therapy may be more effective, over the long term, for the person who is morbidly obese.

Contact Us

Contact our office at (217) 214-5800 for more information.