Requirements of Surgery:
Surgery is not always required in the treatment plan for obese patients. However, once a patient has reached a certain weight, surgery can be the only treatment that works long term.
Typical minimum patient guidelines:
- BMI 40 or 100 lb. overweight
- BMI 35 with severe diseases
Medications, diet, exercise, and behavior modification is still important and remains a large part of the program, as they work in partnership with surgery.
Basic Principles of Bariatric Surgery:
Bariatric surgery can include one or both of the basic principles, restriction and diversion. Restriction makes the stomach smaller, decreasing the amount of caloric intake by volume and causing satiety to be reached sooner. Diversion rearranges the intestinal tract, forcing food to enter further down.
How these principles change the way your body reacts to food:
- Divert calories by skipping over areas
- Impact GI hormones that communicate with brain and change their response so you become more efficient in metabolizing carbohydrates
- Obtain satiety from intestinal hormones in the lower intestine
Pathway to Bariatric Surgery
At Blessing’s Bariatric Institute, our dedicated team offers a comprehensive program with lifetime care.
Blessing Bariatric Institute Program comprehensive lifetime care includes:
- Education
- Medicine
- Surgery
This program begins when the patient becomes interested and deemed to be a candidate. The patient will be educated on obesity and its potential treatments. They will receive education and support from dietitians, psychiatrists, social workers, specialists, and the surgeon. The surgeon, their team, specialists, and the patient will determine which surgery is best for them and develop a plan to treat the patient in the safest and healthiest way possible.
Esophageal Surgery at Blessing
If dietary changes and medications do not alleviate symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), your doctor may recommend laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. During this procedure, your doctor wraps part of your stomach around the bottom of your esophagus. The resulting pressure prevents food and liquids from leaking back up into your esophagus.
Patient Success:
In order for the patient to experience a successful treatment plan, the patient and the Bariatric Institute team must be dedicated to the plan, in addition to:
- Extensive education
- Preparatory program
- Choosing the right surgery for the patient
- Supplementation of essential nutrients
Contact Us
Contact our office at (217) 214-5800 for more information.