Our acute care therapy team provides occupational, physical and speech therapy services to any inpatient in need at Blessing Hospital. In certain instances, due to a serious injury or other neurological or orthopedic issue, a doctor may refer you for more extensive therapy to help restore independence. The rehabilitation unit at Blessing can provide such necessary services.

Experience the Blessing Difference: Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to lead the fullest and most productive life possible, regardless of any medical impairment. Patients choose us because of our:

  • Care that focuses on you: Our rehabilitation specialists meet weekly to discuss each patient’s progress. We consult with a multidisciplinary team of physicians when such expert guidance could speed a patient’s recovery. This coordination means more personalized care for patients and often faster progress. Learn more about our rehabilitation services.

  • High quality and excellent outcomes: Our program is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and the DNV. It meets strict guidelines on value, quality and outcomes that recognize the high level of care we provide. Learn more about our outcomes.

  • Highly trained staff: Our care team includes expertly trained individuals, such as certified brain injury specialists who treat traumatic brain injuries. It also includes a lymphedema therapist, who helps patients manage swelling caused by cancer or other conditions.

  • Focus on families: Before patients leave the hospital, we provide family members or caregivers with hands-on training. We make sure family members feel comfortable assisting patients in moving safely from their bed to a chair, for example. This training gives a patient’s entire caregiving team the skills and confidence to manage their care at home.

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit: What You Should Know

Blessing provides one of the only complete rehabilitation care units in the area. Here’s what you should know about our facility so you can decide if it is right for you or a loved one:

  • What it is: The inpatient medical rehabilitation unit cares for patients who need 24-hour nursing and considerable rehabilitation therapy needs. Admission decisions are made regardless of medical diagnosis and in accordance with state and federal guidelines.

  • After admission: All patients admitted to the unit are evaluated by a licensed physical or occupational therapist and/or speech-language pathologist. After evaluation, care providers then set up an individualized plan of care with input from the patient. Evaluations address:

    • Functional mobility

    • Self-care abilities

    • Language

    • Cognition

    • Swallowing

  • What you will need: If you or a loved one is preparing for a stay in our inpatient rehabilitation unit, you may wish to pack certain items. Learn more about what you should know before coming to Blessing’s rehab unit. Items to pack include:

    • Clothing, especially walking shoes

    • Mobility equipment, such as a wheelchair, brace or walker

    • Personal items, such as glasses, hearing aids and dentures

Inpatient Rehabilitation Services: Evaluation and Treatment

Our highly skilled team has experience working with many types of impairments resulting from injuries and conditions such as:

Our care team is specially trained in the full spectrum of rehabilitative management strategies to evaluate a range of conditions. A patient’s care plan could include one or multiple treatments, depending on an individual’s needs and desires. Services include:

  • Gait training

  • Lymphedema (swelling in the arms or legs) management

  • Adaptive and augmentative communication techniques

  • Retraining in activities of daily living

  • Pain management

  • Wound care

  • Thermal and electrical modalities

Our Rehabilitation Care Team

Our inpatient care is delivered by a comprehensive and expertly trained team of medical and other professionals, including:

  • Physiatrist 

  • Nurses

  • Speech-language pathologist

  • Medical social worker 

  • Dietitian

  • Clergy

  • Occupational therapists

  • Physical therapists

  • Recreational therapists

Members of our highly trained rehabilitation care team hold a range of specialized qualifications, including:

  • Wheel chair certification

  • VitalStim® certification

  • Certification in rehabilitation nursing

Most importantly, our team includes you. Together, we will set goals and work toward getting you back to the life you enjoyed. We focus on your satisfaction, safety and producing excellent outcomes for you.

Sophisticated Rehabilitation Equipment

We provide all the leading edge tools and equipment needed to help you maximize your independence and get back to your day-to-day life, including a:

  • Car/driving simulator

  • DynaVision light board to help with visual, gross motor and neurocognitive tasks

  • Iowa Oral Pressure Instrument for oral motor exercise

  • Digital swallow work station to assess and improve swallowing

  • Built-in ceiling walking track to support patients working on gait and balance

  • Biodex Balance System

  • Dysphagia Synchrony System

Refer a Patient

If you are a doctor who wants to refer a patient for rehabilitation services, please contact our admissions coordinator at (217) 223-8400, ext. 8765 or fax your request to (217) 222-8592.