Experience the Blessing Difference: Heart Surgery

When you come to Blessing for heart surgery, you benefit from:

  • Depth of experience: Our cardiothoracic surgeons have more than 20 years of surgical expertise and advanced fellowship training in heart and lung procedures.

  • Advanced technology: Depending on the surgery type, our team performs procedures in our open-heart surgical suite or our dedicated hybrid operating room. A hybrid operating room features advanced imaging capabilities for minimally invasive surgical procedures.

  • Small surgical incisions: When possible, we use small surgical incisions to reduce your risk of infection and scarring and speed recovery. Your doctor will discuss the best surgical option for you.

  • Universal bed model: Before and after surgery, you remain in the same room in our dedicated cardiovascular unit (CVU). Here, you benefit from around-the-clock care from specially trained cardiovascular nurses.

  • Teamwork: Our team of specialists, including cardiologists, dietitians, pharmacists and rehabilitation experts, work together to provide the most effective treatment for your individual health needs. We support you and your loved ones throughout the treatment and recovery process. 

  • Recovery program: Following surgery, you may choose to participate in Blessing’s cardiac rehab program to strengthen your heart and return to a more active lifestyle.

  • Care that focuses on you: We treat our patients like family. You will see the same familiar, helpful faces at your appointments and throughout your course of treatment.



Heart Surgeries at Blessing

Our surgical team is highly skilled at performing a wide array of heart surgeries. These procedures include, but are not limited to:

  • Coronary artery bypass surgery: Your doctor takes a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connects it to another artery in your heart, thereby bypassing a blocked or narrowed artery. This grafted artery now supplies blood to your heart. You may need this procedure if you have heart disease that has caused your artery to narrow.

  • Heart valve repair: During this treatment for heart valve disease, your doctor patches tears in your heart valve or separates fused valve flaps.

  • Heart valve replacement: This surgery treats heart valve disease. Your doctor removes the damaged heart valve and replaces it with a mechanical valve or a biological valve made from heart tissue taken from a pig (porcine) or cow (bovine).

  • Thoracic aortic aneurysm repair: Your doctor inserts a mesh structure called a stent graft into the weakened or bulging section of the aorta located in your chest. The aorta is your body’s largest artery. This stent graft strengthens and supports the weakened area. Your doctor may use a minimally invasive method involving a thin tube, or catheter, to perform this procedure.

  • Septal myectomy: During this open-heart procedure, your doctor removes parts of the heart wall that have thickened due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment, please call 217-223-8400 ext. 8960. To view upcoming heart related events please click here.